Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Since the goal of society is protecting and enhancing human life, abortions should be viewed as ethically dubious (just like wartime or genocidal destruction), especially as our technology gives us the ability to save the aborted babies' lives. They are screaming out without a voice, Can I Live? Can I Live? like Nick Cannon's music video on BET. Our society can break open a comet, put a man on the moon, build iPods, spend trilions of dollars on war, but it can't save the lives of the most defenseless in human society. A law against abortion is not needed. A societal consciousness transformation is needed. Real sexual education is essential, to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to stress the viability of adoption. Abortion should be only used in rare occasions when the health of the mother is in grave danger. George Bush pays lip service to the Right to Life cause, yet the numbers of abortions have increased since he came to office. He has stressed the failing abstinence education, leaving millions of youngsters misinformed and confused about their bodies.