Monday, February 19, 2007



Integration has got me thinking.
Creativity is the secret of combination.
I think I had that backwards.

Anyways, What happens when you combine
conscious and unconscious, into a singular scales of
awareness? Sometimes i'm conscious during dreams.
Most people go unconscious during the day.

A word appears, like conconscious or cunconscious.
Fluid Atonement is the best.
Let your creative unconscious, your inner conscience...
Classical ignores the quantum effects.
What happens when you combine quantum and classical mechanics?
OmniClassical OmniQuantum CANTUM CUANTUM


Research finds that large(ish) objects can follow the rules of the microscopic world

Research finds that large(ish) objects can follow the rules of the microscopic world

Fractal Omnology –
Repeating patterns on every scale:
superstrings work together to make quarks and electrons
Quarks and electrons work together to make atoms,
atoms work together to make molecules,
molecules work together to make proteins,
proteins work together to make cells,
cells work together to make tissues,
tissues work together to make organs,
organs work together to make organisms,
organisms work together to make societies,
societies produce ecosystems,
ecosystems work with geosystems,
geosystems orbit stars,
stars orbit black holes,
black holes emanate from
the big bang universe god white holes
are created preserved destroyed by GOD
as determined by cosmo-theology...
and thats where my speculation stops for now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Welcome to Ohio State -

Welcome to Ohio State -

OSU OmniSchool of Inefficiency

Regain our trust by calling off school


we have had it with your

ludicrous snow policies!

It is insane out there.

We live in Columbus, not Alaska!

May the duality of cold feet and

fiery minds amidst spirits of crystal water.

P.S. I have economics tomorrow!

Have I lost your mind? I never had it to begin with.

It was an unconscious delusion produced by collusion.

Nothing like self-deception to save the day.

Katabaz hums while he Rubs the juicy breast

against the grinder.

His violet hair waves in the wind.

sHe would strike tomorrow.


WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio's News Leader

WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio's News Leader

On the 10TV Poll, which asks the question

Should Ohio State have closed classes?

82% of people said yes!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


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Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Referral Partner info

Referral Partner info: "Get An Original Website Design Template Package for No Cost at All - over One Hour of Training Included - Original Photoshop Files and Hi-Res JPEGs and a new, unique template each and every day in your inbox -- click here!"


In tiny supercooled clouds, physicists exchange light and matter

In tiny supercooled clouds, physicists exchange light and matter

Crazy Psiontists figure out a way to interchange matter and light. I can't understand it, but I think they are really just exchanging information.

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