Friday, July 08, 2005
Dear Father
Dear Father,
I feel your guiding presence at all times in my life. Please know the material world you left is at a loss from your absence. I write to you today in great joy of the progress and potential of the unified humanity of Earth. Ten years ago on a sunny Wednesday in 2025, NASA charted a huge asteroid on a collision path with Earth, due to hit in one year. They named it "Fear." As the news of Fear spread, shockwaves emanated from every being on the planet- fear that our existence would be shattered in an Damoclean event. Churches, mosques, temples, and forests filled to the brim with humans begging God for a second chance. To each one of them, the universe gave only a cryptic message: "Find Unity through your diversity. Work together to be the change you desire."
Needless to say, confused were humans, and the holovision didn't help things by running endless simulations of possible outcomes. Thus for a few days, humans got drunk and did everything they said would do if the world was ending. They shot their enemies, threw orgies at their workplaces, took out advertisements for crack parties, and jumped off buildings. It's amazing how the impending death warps our perceptions and behavior.
Yet suddenly on Sunday of the next new week, people stopped in their tracks, looked around, and bourne the good global organism: The Gorganism. Throughout the world people dropped their guns, papers, and grudges. What's a imaginary border against an incoming Moon sized projectile? The Gorganism self-organized and transcended all nationalism to unify humanity under the common cause of survival- the most basic human instinct. Thousands of cooperative centers sprung up the next month, dedicated to networking the integrated Gorganism, deflecting and destroying Fear, and ensuring the survival of all parts of the Gorganism.
We questioned, what has provided energy for life since the primordial era? The Sun of course! We launched four hundred and twenty satellites with solar radiation concentrators. Next we launched one thousand space ships equipped with ultralaser pulse capabilities. We launched all of our nuclear warheads into space.
We called our cooperative benevolent forces Hope.
There was one month til the point of no return...
Fear entered our solar system around Mars, and proceded on a bullseye path for Gaia's gorganism, just as the scientists in starched white coats predicted.
But we were ready...
With cohesive timing seen in music symphonies, synchronized swimming, and flying bird formations, the Gorganism unleashed Hope upon Fear, and straight out shitcanned its ass. Our concerted Hope transformed the monstrosity of Fear into nothingness. Nothing remained of Fear after our Hopeful assault...
No, this isn't a feel-good movie. In retrospect, it is a conglomerate of clices. Yet there is nothing cliche about our precarious situation on Earth. If we cannot bind together as a species to progress off the planet, our evolution will halt with nuclear war, extraterrestrial apocalypse, or environmental destruction. It is our destiny, like all intelligent beings, to project our benevolent power throughout the universe. So please, when you go out today, don't be so quick to judge or assume. Blow a kiss to a stranger. Give ten dollars to a bum. Let someone cut in front of your car. Smile at your troubles- at least you are ALIVE to have troubles. Be glad there's no asteroid on a collision path. Contrary to the popular media, there are no aliens attempting to Destroy ALL Humans; no War of the Worlds (how did the aliens lose that one?).
Must you forget, we are all ALONE in this TOGETHER. If your mind is your God, and your mind is your universe, doesn't that imply your God is your universe. Don't feel bad about feeling good, it is your God's universal right of consciousness. Push you awareness toward the end of the God, and ground your happiness and self-worth in your eternal void of sweet nectar- the divine force from which we all come and return- the magical source of divinity- God's glorious muse.
The Earth is one wonderful Gorganism.
I feel your guiding presence at all times in my life. Please know the material world you left is at a loss from your absence. I write to you today in great joy of the progress and potential of the unified humanity of Earth. Ten years ago on a sunny Wednesday in 2025, NASA charted a huge asteroid on a collision path with Earth, due to hit in one year. They named it "Fear." As the news of Fear spread, shockwaves emanated from every being on the planet- fear that our existence would be shattered in an Damoclean event. Churches, mosques, temples, and forests filled to the brim with humans begging God for a second chance. To each one of them, the universe gave only a cryptic message: "Find Unity through your diversity. Work together to be the change you desire."
Needless to say, confused were humans, and the holovision didn't help things by running endless simulations of possible outcomes. Thus for a few days, humans got drunk and did everything they said would do if the world was ending. They shot their enemies, threw orgies at their workplaces, took out advertisements for crack parties, and jumped off buildings. It's amazing how the impending death warps our perceptions and behavior.
Yet suddenly on Sunday of the next new week, people stopped in their tracks, looked around, and bourne the good global organism: The Gorganism. Throughout the world people dropped their guns, papers, and grudges. What's a imaginary border against an incoming Moon sized projectile? The Gorganism self-organized and transcended all nationalism to unify humanity under the common cause of survival- the most basic human instinct. Thousands of cooperative centers sprung up the next month, dedicated to networking the integrated Gorganism, deflecting and destroying Fear, and ensuring the survival of all parts of the Gorganism.
We questioned, what has provided energy for life since the primordial era? The Sun of course! We launched four hundred and twenty satellites with solar radiation concentrators. Next we launched one thousand space ships equipped with ultralaser pulse capabilities. We launched all of our nuclear warheads into space.
We called our cooperative benevolent forces Hope.
There was one month til the point of no return...
Fear entered our solar system around Mars, and proceded on a bullseye path for Gaia's gorganism, just as the scientists in starched white coats predicted.
But we were ready...
With cohesive timing seen in music symphonies, synchronized swimming, and flying bird formations, the Gorganism unleashed Hope upon Fear, and straight out shitcanned its ass. Our concerted Hope transformed the monstrosity of Fear into nothingness. Nothing remained of Fear after our Hopeful assault...
No, this isn't a feel-good movie. In retrospect, it is a conglomerate of clices. Yet there is nothing cliche about our precarious situation on Earth. If we cannot bind together as a species to progress off the planet, our evolution will halt with nuclear war, extraterrestrial apocalypse, or environmental destruction. It is our destiny, like all intelligent beings, to project our benevolent power throughout the universe. So please, when you go out today, don't be so quick to judge or assume. Blow a kiss to a stranger. Give ten dollars to a bum. Let someone cut in front of your car. Smile at your troubles- at least you are ALIVE to have troubles. Be glad there's no asteroid on a collision path. Contrary to the popular media, there are no aliens attempting to Destroy ALL Humans; no War of the Worlds (how did the aliens lose that one?).
Must you forget, we are all ALONE in this TOGETHER. If your mind is your God, and your mind is your universe, doesn't that imply your God is your universe. Don't feel bad about feeling good, it is your God's universal right of consciousness. Push you awareness toward the end of the God, and ground your happiness and self-worth in your eternal void of sweet nectar- the divine force from which we all come and return- the magical source of divinity- God's glorious muse.
The Earth is one wonderful Gorganism.