Monday, July 04, 2005


Grokster sued for lack of responsibility

Grokster sued because people can use their invention for illegal things- sharing joyful music!! Budweiser should be sued, same with all the car manufacturers, and all cigarette companies, because they have killed billions of peoples in human history. That’s genocide, folks, if we are ethically consistent. Alcohol kills 100,000 year in US, responsible for 50-60% OF all VIOLENT crime. Tobacco is a sinister lifelong get your cookie addiction presented for your coughing enjoyment by the evil corporations not giving you a vaporizer (a way to smoke the nicotine without burning any leaf- safe for lungs). Three million people die each year worldwide because of tobacco’s evil influence. Yet they are still allowed free reign over Western societies, promoted over any so-called illicit substances (which kill only 10,000 a year in the US) as defined by the Controlled Substances Act. Draw your own conclusions. 400,000 vs 100,000 vs 10, all comes down to number of deaths and design of laws. Right now, the two most deadly substances are LEGAL. Driving a 2000 pound urban assault vehicle with a tank full of explosive fumes two feet away from another lane of death vehicles. Every new automobile death, of your friends, family, acquintances, and celebrities shall force you to reconsider human-driven autmobiles infavor of automatic networked electric vehicules- some open air, some in tubes, some in vacuum tubes, where transport is utterly and completely safe and foolproof. Only 100 people die every year from commercial airlines, but 50,000 Americans die each year from automobile accidents. 15,000 people are killed every year from guns, and another 80,000 injured in firearm attacks.

Without getting caught up in the actual facts, let's review the numbers:
Tobacco kills 400,000 Americans each year!
Alcohol kills 100,000 Americans this year and fuels 60% of all violent crime.
Automobiles kill 50,000 Americans each year.
Firearms kill 15,000 Americans each year.
All Illegal Drugs COMBINED kill 10,000 Americans each year.

Yet despite the relative harmlessness of illegal drugs, over one million Americans are in prison because of illicit drug violations. Why don't tobacco executives go to jail for when another of their valued consumers dies of lung cancer? Why don't gun corporations get sued when kids go on violent rampages? Why doesn't Budweiser pay for the funerals of those killed by drunk drivers like my friend Ashley Hach? Why do the drug laws restrict the growing of hemp and marijuana, a completey safe and benign drug? Why are 800,000 people arrested every year in the United States of America for growing marijuana, a plant that early American settlers grew for survival- providing food, oil, fiber, paper, clothing, and paint? Why did Thomas Jefferson and George Washington grow hemp plantations? Why was the Declaration of Independence drafted on hemp paper?

The TV sold me......Melinda the blonde drunk nympho obsessed with sex in real world selling pleasure, consumption, food, obesity, wealth, human, power, violence, anger, molestation, tragedy, comedy, war, guns, products, blood, patriotism, nationalism, jealousy, attention, celebrity, egotism, narcissism, discrimination, insults, ridicule, gluttony, ridiculousness, confusion, fear, doubt, uncertainty, wonderful fleshures.

WhaT did the television give you? Entertained yet?


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