Monday, July 04, 2005
In the year Twenty Fifty
By 2050, when there are 10 billion people, the gorganism (global organism) should be completely sustainable, integrated, and just. The social networking capability of the 4G global technology will have provided a global market for ideas and goods. Solar, wind, water, biomass, thermoelectric, pyroelectric, piezoelectric, kinelectric, and scalar energy shall fuel the economy, based on electromagnetism and hydrogen combustion. No fossil fuel combustion would be needed, because of its toxic side effects and Choice will be preserved until you harm another. Robots will build anything you want, so it is not necessary to work. Society will be a wonderful choice to join, providing nourishment, clothing, health care, entertainment, ethics, and sexual satisfaction. The collective emergent mind of one humanity united through diversity shall shout and expand throughout the galaxy and conquer aging, to become immortal and move to a level three civilization, one that is capable of creating galaxies. The liberty of the individual will be moderated by the ethical order of society. Individual reason without social ethics is unrestrained, and social ethics without individual reason are lame. A participatory panopticon sort of cyberocracy of a million elected people shall be the State’s current manifestation. As Hegel thought the State was God marching on Earth, this state shall be the face of God and evolution’s progress. The State shall protect children and assist parents. It should produce one stable and inclusive global currency, one based on a restrorative gift economy that makes everyone rich and allows the unimpeded flow of information.
Leaves and grass-cuttings shall be turned to glucose with amped up cellulase enzymes. Soy proteins will be eaten by almost everyone. Hemp is used for clothing, food, fiber, and paper, replacing the destructive scourge of deforestation. Self-assembling buildings, robots, cities, and organizations shall provide the ability for all lands to leapfrog their current stage in favor of a more justly and prosperous organization.
Evolution and God have since been shown to be one and the same. The self organizing emergent systems scaled from quarks to the universe are holographically part and the whole of God. Pantheism shall be the norm, as it had since been shown the continual nature of all things and the inseparability of consciousness. Ethics shall replace laws, and true crime considered only violent, with degrees of severity, addressed with massive rehabilitation and psychological treatment. BioNanotechnology will cure infectious diseases, genetic diseases, cancer, hunger, death, and provide avenues for transhumanist progression. War will disappear as it ceases to be profitable and is exposed as a cruel game played by the rich.
The biggest industries shall be energy (sustainable, renewable, free), health (food, water, nourishment, medicine), science (knowledge and technology), tourism, transportation (evolving automatic networked), media (creative and participatory panopticon), robotics, astronomy, terraforming, hedonism (experience, sex, drugs, happiness, pharmacy), and Aid. Being born into the gorganism shall guarantee a Social security number and 100 rotors and solar philm providing the energy to ensure one’s survival, always filling up one’s personal bank account with infallible, unstealable, inclusive, digital, automatic, legal value tender (money).
Self built farm buildings shall pour forth beautiful food. Work is available to those who want it,
the beach/woods/mountains/desert/plains/rainforest is available for those who don’t. Open design will allow anyone to design their own experience and software. The pursuit of happiness had since been shown to be the objective goal of all existence, as the end and the means towards intelligence. Neumerica replaced the United States Corporation, and restore the visions of the Founding Fathers of Life, Love, and Pleasure as pursuits of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution. Evolving networking transportation (ENT) shall provide free transport of persons and goods. ECID (evolving converging information device) shall be an integrated media center for creation and distribution of information or experience. EBID (evolving body information device) shall be worn as a Lance Armstrong bracelet to continuously analyze one’s health and monitor for potential ominous signs. Guns, Cigarettes, greed, glass bottles, and war have disappeared as the massive quantum shift in intelligence occurs, in favor of more wholesome pleasures. When you realize we share common ancestors as chimpanzees, when you realize we are just smart animals operating on nature’s 4 billion year trial-and-experience design, when you realize 10% of all humans are alive in 2005, when you realize only optimism is beautiful, when you realize the future shall be designed to be beautifully organized, when you realize the environment will become intelligent, when you realize we are progressing exponentially, you will be able to push your mind to the boundaries of the universe. You will no longer be confined to your skullish prison.
The Blue Plus Yellow Light revolution begins on 2012
Leaves and grass-cuttings shall be turned to glucose with amped up cellulase enzymes. Soy proteins will be eaten by almost everyone. Hemp is used for clothing, food, fiber, and paper, replacing the destructive scourge of deforestation. Self-assembling buildings, robots, cities, and organizations shall provide the ability for all lands to leapfrog their current stage in favor of a more justly and prosperous organization.
Evolution and God have since been shown to be one and the same. The self organizing emergent systems scaled from quarks to the universe are holographically part and the whole of God. Pantheism shall be the norm, as it had since been shown the continual nature of all things and the inseparability of consciousness. Ethics shall replace laws, and true crime considered only violent, with degrees of severity, addressed with massive rehabilitation and psychological treatment. BioNanotechnology will cure infectious diseases, genetic diseases, cancer, hunger, death, and provide avenues for transhumanist progression. War will disappear as it ceases to be profitable and is exposed as a cruel game played by the rich.
The biggest industries shall be energy (sustainable, renewable, free), health (food, water, nourishment, medicine), science (knowledge and technology), tourism, transportation (evolving automatic networked), media (creative and participatory panopticon), robotics, astronomy, terraforming, hedonism (experience, sex, drugs, happiness, pharmacy), and Aid. Being born into the gorganism shall guarantee a Social security number and 100 rotors and solar philm providing the energy to ensure one’s survival, always filling up one’s personal bank account with infallible, unstealable, inclusive, digital, automatic, legal value tender (money).
Self built farm buildings shall pour forth beautiful food. Work is available to those who want it,
the beach/woods/mountains/desert/plains/rainforest is available for those who don’t. Open design will allow anyone to design their own experience and software. The pursuit of happiness had since been shown to be the objective goal of all existence, as the end and the means towards intelligence. Neumerica replaced the United States Corporation, and restore the visions of the Founding Fathers of Life, Love, and Pleasure as pursuits of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution. Evolving networking transportation (ENT) shall provide free transport of persons and goods. ECID (evolving converging information device) shall be an integrated media center for creation and distribution of information or experience. EBID (evolving body information device) shall be worn as a Lance Armstrong bracelet to continuously analyze one’s health and monitor for potential ominous signs. Guns, Cigarettes, greed, glass bottles, and war have disappeared as the massive quantum shift in intelligence occurs, in favor of more wholesome pleasures. When you realize we share common ancestors as chimpanzees, when you realize we are just smart animals operating on nature’s 4 billion year trial-and-experience design, when you realize 10% of all humans are alive in 2005, when you realize only optimism is beautiful, when you realize the future shall be designed to be beautifully organized, when you realize the environment will become intelligent, when you realize we are progressing exponentially, you will be able to push your mind to the boundaries of the universe. You will no longer be confined to your skullish prison.
The Blue Plus Yellow Light revolution begins on 2012