Monday, July 04, 2005
Sobjective Universal Energy = SUE
The known universe is made of energy. Our brains are the most complex organization of energy. Humans are the apex of the lucky intelligence wave of evolution. Nature, the cosmic muse, is benignly indifferent to our drama, but humans need drama to find meaning in their currently brief tale of fury, signifying everything and nothing simultaneously. We are all alone in this together. Our universe is our mind. However, our mind's consciousness allows one to know things outside of your universe (ie, the rest of the the organismal reality over 13.7 billion years old stretching from the moon to the dimmest star.) For 4 billion years after the Earth started, life evolved physically a great deal, shedding many costumes and producing innumerable experiences. But not until humans started to talk, to share their experiences, bioculturally- using shared symbolic language to conceptualize reality, that the universe transcended biology and entered the realm of iconsciousness. Every human has the unique feeling of being there, how unbearably lightly so. Whether that feeling is a collective societal delusional hunch, a holy spiritual soul controlling the physical body, a robotic animal glorified by institutionalized divinity, or all three, is really irregardless. One of the biggest lessons of reality is the infinite nature of our mind. Not many things are mutually exclusive. Everything is here, nothing really goes away, merely transforms. A wise cliche reminds us the only constant in the universe is change, which is the capability of energy, which is the purpose of intelligence- the goal of evolution, the product of love, hope, and frozen light. Our destiny as homo spiritus (not homoeconomus) is to transcend our limits to become goodly and godly powerful to honor the beauty of the universal design. Our mind's are only as limited as the fences we build and chains we tull around.
The universe started 13.7 billion years ago. To our perception, its mass and timespan are almost infinite. Our purpose is clear as intelligent, conscious, spiritual beings. We must use our ingenuity and cooperate to form an integrated social organism playing in concert with our mother, the earth, and our father- Chaos. The world collectively spends 1 trillion dollars on the military, before taxes. The total negative impact of that spending is enormous, as the war industry spawns millions of yearly deaths, rapages, pillages, and annihilation. The United States is using napalm in Iraq, under a different name. Basically they are using flammable polystyrene gel to stick to the skin of all vulnerable while burning it to a crisp. The rhetoric of spreading democracy and freedom by carpet bombing and napalm utilization is ethically bankrupt. The most powerful nation in the history of Earth has buckled to the power of transnational corporations who have corrupted the dream republic of the Founding Fathers into a vampiric parasitic social organism on the earth, one feeding off all of the earth including itself, and in return excreting fear, sanctimony, and
We have solar energy bombarding us every day. The trees realized this long ago, stopped moving, and decided to provide oxygen for us destructive, impatient, and emotional animals. A tree does not have feelings, it has no central nervous system, but it feels destruction. It just has no mainframe to register sensory suffering, cannot conceptualize suffering, has no symbolic memory or language from which to comment on the suffering. Most of humans social existence consists of a social bluff to maintain barriers of control and power. The trees realized the error of our flimsy language and dedicated themselves to cleaning our air of waste products, efficiently transforming CO2 into O2 in their photosynergistic existence. They take energy from the sun and water from the earth, and use it to shuttle electrons to transform CO2 into glucose and oxygen.
The earth is a living organism, which has spawned a self-aware species. We are the verge of becoming a technological singularity with ubuiquitous integrated networking, exponentially increasing intelligence, and the emergent properties of artificial intelligence. Humans have been engineered by nature for 3.7 billion years, since the first organisms came into being. Since the first bacterium engulfed an energety producing cell and enslaved it for its purpose. Since the bacteria enjoined with flagella to propel them along their way, which since evolved into human limbs as their nucleus expanded into our nervous system, to coordinate the cooperating and feedbacked information-based energetic systems comprising all of life and by extension the universe. The borders between life and death fade with the abillity of artificial hibernation, artificial intelligence, human-like robots, conscious machines, conquering of the biological aging process, and the attainment of physical immortality in technology and flesh-based humans.
We have enough kinemotion-kinenergy to produce kinelectricity for all of our society's needs, and then some. Let's survey a few options. We have solar photons bathing the earth at the speed of light, little packets of energy, little dollar bills falling from the sky. Why aren't we putting up a net? We do we still insist on combusting the earth's brown coaly and oily shit for power. When we burn the oil/coal for power, it boils water, which produces steam, which turns a turbine, whose rotors use the principle of magnetic induction to produce electric current. Wind blowing at least 100 mph in the atmosphere would do a much much better job of turning those turbines. Yet why don't we use the Mojave desert to electrically power all of the United States. Using its 25,500 square miles and declare it off limits to commercial airflight, and set up a solar wind dome (I call it a swome.) reaching up to 50,000 feat high, and 15 miles long. It would have one billion turbines, the rotors comprised of aerogel covered with a polymer matrix and an electromagnets for multiple magnetic inductions. All available surfaces would be covered with a hygroscopic water collector and solar philm, so it would harvest the photonic energy from the sun, and the available water vapor in air, all while providing massive currents from the high velocity winds in the upper atmosphere.
Because when you think about it, life doesn't change much. Only our actions and thoughts do. What strains one's mind today is tomorrow's common sense. All those loygers who derive their power by witnessing misery and deprivation in others must be exposed for their treachery against our godly designed universe. When you hurt another, you literally cause the universe pain. When you serve another, you are getting the universe drunk on euphoria. When the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil square off, know that both shall feel righteous, and both shall have a smile on their face. The only way to discern the difference is the product of one's labors, not the veracity of one's beliefs. Evil Beliefs could assure MAD for all of humanity through a Damoclean disaster through nuclear warfare. Good Beliefs could also save the world from war, hate, fear, destruction, hunger, and want. When it comes time to make the choice between war and peace, hate and love, knowledge and ignorance, progress and retardation, happiness and depression, repression and inspiration, competition and cooperation- please choose wisely. The time will soon be at hand- the forces of elite society repressing the lower classes shall be exposed by a weapon of their own forgery- the Internet, which shall free information and integrate a more just society with the help of the gold of humanity- those who are equipped with reason and compassion.
The universe started 13.7 billion years ago. To our perception, its mass and timespan are almost infinite. Our purpose is clear as intelligent, conscious, spiritual beings. We must use our ingenuity and cooperate to form an integrated social organism playing in concert with our mother, the earth, and our father- Chaos. The world collectively spends 1 trillion dollars on the military, before taxes. The total negative impact of that spending is enormous, as the war industry spawns millions of yearly deaths, rapages, pillages, and annihilation. The United States is using napalm in Iraq, under a different name. Basically they are using flammable polystyrene gel to stick to the skin of all vulnerable while burning it to a crisp. The rhetoric of spreading democracy and freedom by carpet bombing and napalm utilization is ethically bankrupt. The most powerful nation in the history of Earth has buckled to the power of transnational corporations who have corrupted the dream republic of the Founding Fathers into a vampiric parasitic social organism on the earth, one feeding off all of the earth including itself, and in return excreting fear, sanctimony, and
We have solar energy bombarding us every day. The trees realized this long ago, stopped moving, and decided to provide oxygen for us destructive, impatient, and emotional animals. A tree does not have feelings, it has no central nervous system, but it feels destruction. It just has no mainframe to register sensory suffering, cannot conceptualize suffering, has no symbolic memory or language from which to comment on the suffering. Most of humans social existence consists of a social bluff to maintain barriers of control and power. The trees realized the error of our flimsy language and dedicated themselves to cleaning our air of waste products, efficiently transforming CO2 into O2 in their photosynergistic existence. They take energy from the sun and water from the earth, and use it to shuttle electrons to transform CO2 into glucose and oxygen.
The earth is a living organism, which has spawned a self-aware species. We are the verge of becoming a technological singularity with ubuiquitous integrated networking, exponentially increasing intelligence, and the emergent properties of artificial intelligence. Humans have been engineered by nature for 3.7 billion years, since the first organisms came into being. Since the first bacterium engulfed an energety producing cell and enslaved it for its purpose. Since the bacteria enjoined with flagella to propel them along their way, which since evolved into human limbs as their nucleus expanded into our nervous system, to coordinate the cooperating and feedbacked information-based energetic systems comprising all of life and by extension the universe. The borders between life and death fade with the abillity of artificial hibernation, artificial intelligence, human-like robots, conscious machines, conquering of the biological aging process, and the attainment of physical immortality in technology and flesh-based humans.
We have enough kinemotion-kinenergy to produce kinelectricity for all of our society's needs, and then some. Let's survey a few options. We have solar photons bathing the earth at the speed of light, little packets of energy, little dollar bills falling from the sky. Why aren't we putting up a net? We do we still insist on combusting the earth's brown coaly and oily shit for power. When we burn the oil/coal for power, it boils water, which produces steam, which turns a turbine, whose rotors use the principle of magnetic induction to produce electric current. Wind blowing at least 100 mph in the atmosphere would do a much much better job of turning those turbines. Yet why don't we use the Mojave desert to electrically power all of the United States. Using its 25,500 square miles and declare it off limits to commercial airflight, and set up a solar wind dome (I call it a swome.) reaching up to 50,000 feat high, and 15 miles long. It would have one billion turbines, the rotors comprised of aerogel covered with a polymer matrix and an electromagnets for multiple magnetic inductions. All available surfaces would be covered with a hygroscopic water collector and solar philm, so it would harvest the photonic energy from the sun, and the available water vapor in air, all while providing massive currents from the high velocity winds in the upper atmosphere.
Because when you think about it, life doesn't change much. Only our actions and thoughts do. What strains one's mind today is tomorrow's common sense. All those loygers who derive their power by witnessing misery and deprivation in others must be exposed for their treachery against our godly designed universe. When you hurt another, you literally cause the universe pain. When you serve another, you are getting the universe drunk on euphoria. When the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil square off, know that both shall feel righteous, and both shall have a smile on their face. The only way to discern the difference is the product of one's labors, not the veracity of one's beliefs. Evil Beliefs could assure MAD for all of humanity through a Damoclean disaster through nuclear warfare. Good Beliefs could also save the world from war, hate, fear, destruction, hunger, and want. When it comes time to make the choice between war and peace, hate and love, knowledge and ignorance, progress and retardation, happiness and depression, repression and inspiration, competition and cooperation- please choose wisely. The time will soon be at hand- the forces of elite society repressing the lower classes shall be exposed by a weapon of their own forgery- the Internet, which shall free information and integrate a more just society with the help of the gold of humanity- those who are equipped with reason and compassion.