Monday, September 26, 2005


The Confuniverse

The current universe results from ongoing cycles of trial and error through 13.7 billion years of existence. Every single instant the universe enfolds anew; annihilating the past.
The story of the universe is the story of what IS. More specifically, this tale is based on human perception of universal development. The destiny of levolution (life evolution) is to project living existence throughout the universe, advancing astrobiology.
In the beginning was infinitesimal nothingness, a singularity of infinite curvature. Into its nothingness sHe blew a breadth of light sound energy. This genephillic orgasm happened 13.7 billion years ago- widely regarded as a good move. Eventually the Lego blocks composing our reality codified into their current atomic state. Nine billion years of physicovolution later, in the tender care-rays of Mother Ra, Terra Erdu organized itself out of the chaotic early solar neighborhood. One billion years later, once Earth had cooled from its orgasmic birth, energetic systems in the primordial soup started fighting against entropy by replicating, and constructed a membrane for protecting the quality of the information systems- like a computer case or a book cover protecting its insides. This divisive protective membrane serves as a potent metaphor for the remainder of life’s history- constantly preserving and dividing. A proto-cell soon arose, inside which a flurry of self-organized replication started the diversification so pervasive to biology today.
Proto cells spread throughout the primordial soup- extracting power from electricity (moving electrons), solar radiation (think tanning beds), and geologic activity (volcanoes, earthquakes). One larger proto cell named Bob found itself unsatisfied by these sources of energy. To prolong its existence, Bob wanted to replicate its code. Next to Bob sat Mito B, a hot blob known for keeping her neighbors up at night with her internal fireworks. Bob wasn’t the first one to envelop a Mito, and he wasn’t the first one to explode afterwards.
Thus violence, conflict, and control emerge with the first living entities. Bob’s son, Christopher, felt his father’s combustion and resolved to fulfill Bob’s intention. Late one night in a moist ocean silt bed, Christopher snuck over to Mito B, soaking in her pulsing warmth. Christopher drove himself into a frenzy preparing to open his membrane for Mito B. Christopher quickly contained Mito B, and immediately started feeling overheated. Fearing his membrane would burst like Bob, Christopher dove down into the ocean temperature gradient, lowering the heat of his surroundings, and effectively controlling his massive internal efflux of Mito’s energy- now fueling Christopher’s information replication. Given the violent enslavement of Mito B, the end result of this ambush was a neat symbiosis- Christopher’s molecules nourished Mito B’s membrane; Christopher could focus on developing his information metasystem. Neither Mito B nor Christopher would appear to humans as conscious- yet their self-organizing replication of dynamic information processing fuels their existence and gives them meaning- the fundamental core of consciousness. This fabricated yet illustrative story repeats itself infinitely on each level of the universe- leading to today’s immense complexity.
From Christopher’s endosymbiosis, life evolved to conquer dimensionality through more forms and functions: movement; sexual reproduction; archaea; nucleus (center of information processing); solar energy absorption; plants; respiration; digestion; sociality; enervation; circulation; immune systems; hearing; visualizing; smelling; animals; limbs; dinosaurs; flying; warm blooded; milk; mammals; primates; bipedalism; intelligence; tools; culture; fire; farming; shelter; language; writing; transportation; society; spirituality; ethics; clothes; self-awareness; politics; war; empires; science; heliocentricity: industrial revolution; media; information wars; MTV; World Wide Web; Google; integration; Gaia; gorganism; spiritual revolution; hedonism; safety; artificial intelligence; mental immortality; physical immortality; controlling solar system; colonizing galaxies; colonizing universe; creating universes; becoming Gods; creating Gods; Simgularity.
The question remains: How far will Earth-life evolve on the above journey? Will humans- technomonkeys too aware of pain of suffering- destroy the entire ecosystem of Earth through their atomic knowledge? Or will we bind together electronically and experience a global spiritual shift of consciousness. God puts his money on the latter.
Again, the key to all life’s progress is courageous innovation like Christopher’s endosymbiosis. Christopher created a coherent cell by merging two separate chemical entities. Thus humans must create a coherent, cooperative gorganism in order to progress beyond our womb- the Earth. Mito B and Christopher still remained intact, only they benefitted each other symbiotically. Similarly, nations of the world still remain intact- yet through enmeshed cooperation and trade we mutually benefit.


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