Friday, September 23, 2005


Random thought mutations approach truth

Premise 1: Everything is composed of energetic loving light information.

Premise 2: Everything is fundamentally connected, unified in moving pulsing matter.

Premise 3: Evil has no presence except in consciousness. Love is the ultimate truth.
Premise 4: The universe is more weirdly complex than one can imagine.

Premise 5: Our nervous system creates our subjective reality.
a. Truth is subjective, but we realize there is an pseudo-objective reality out there
b. Truth can only be sobjective
c. Inner is subjective, outer is objective
d. Truth is coupling of inner environment to entire reality
e. You can’t have objective without subjective
f. Subjectivity is relative, thus all truth is relative
g. Many relative truths are also absolute

Premise 6: The self is basically your top-down control of subjective reality.
a. the mind is a terrible master but a wonderful servant

Premise 7: The only timeless constant is change.
a. the flux between being and nonbeing

Premise 8: God is everything in our universe imagining itself anew each instant.
a. the universe is older than we can comprehend, nature is benevolently ancient

Premise 9: Words are sound tools, used for shared meaning.
a. many people are tools of words, controlled by their assumed meaning

Premise 10: Words only approximate the most fundamental experiences.

Premise 11: Being itself is paradoxical, the chicken or the egg question demonstrates.
a. Something can be moving from one perspective but not in the other.
b. Paradox is integral to reality, enigma and uncertainty are for certain

Premise 12: Our society, composed of intelligent conscious beings, should enhance freedom, happiness, health, and sustainability.
a. Free information and an energy revolution
b. Human society should protect human life in all forms- babies cry in womb

Premise 13: We set ourselves apart from animals.
a. we still live in the same world as insects, bacteria, and dogs
b. many people have profound relationships with non-humans

Premise 14: We are animals- we breathe, eat, scat, fart, sleep, live, fight, love, and die.

Premise 15: Simplicity is profound.
a. anyone can make something more complex

Premise 16: Enough kinetic and thermal energy exist on the Earth to fuel any civilization.

Premise 17: Ages of history don’t end because they stop using stones, iron, or oil.

Premise 18: Reality changes with our advancing culture.

Premise 19: Culture builds upon the past to bring better results.

Premise 20: A thought matters not outside of one’s head (if you don’t act on it).

Premise 21: The conscious self is only the tip of the iceberg of the whole self.

Premise 22: The unconscious is always at work, maintaining mental and physical homeostasis.

Premise 23: Humans have the potential for mental and physical immortality.

Premise 24: One society’s troublemaker is another’s savior.

Premise 25: One American dumpster could feed an entire African village.

Premise 26: Intelligence is good information is good energy.

Premise 27: One trend of evolution is towards intelligence.

Premise 28: A trend of human history is increasingly employing intelligence- technology.
a. thought is technology
b. language and memory are technologies
c. controlling fire and agriculture
d. understanding physical laws of universe
e. information dispersal- writing internet

Premise 29: Many double edged swords exist.
a. Sex
b. War- good for economy, kills intelligent beings
c. Money
d. Friends
e. Life
f. Drugs
g. Consciousness
h. Cars- drunkeness

Premise 30: If humans acted as whole nations, they would be put in strait jackets.

Premise 31: People act differently than what they believe.
a. people believe differently than what they intend
b. some things people can’t share to others
c. some things people can’t share with themselves

Premise 32: People act in order to conform to social norms.
a. most people crave order and habit
b. most people dislike being forced to change
c. many people will reject unfamiliar ideas and experiences

Premise 33: Unified diversity is a universal rule.
a. consciousness codifies the complex and unique levels, dimensions, scales, systems, layers
b. all is unified at a fundamental level

Premise 34: Killing is unavoidable for humans
a. one shouldn’t be proud of it

Premise 35: Heat is real but cold is nothing.
a. similar to a shadow
b. a shadow has meaning in our minds, just like cold, but it is merely the absence of light/heat
c. the absence of something equals nothing, which is something in our mind- another paradox

Premise 36: Civilization is transport
a. goods- vacuum tubes
b. people- car-like pods, open rollercoaster city
c. information- fiber optics, WiMax

Premise 37: Current modes of transport are adversely affecting the climate and society
a. ENT will replace current automobile system
b. Fueled by geothermal, wind (high and low altitude), water (OTEC, wave, current, tidal), solar, biomass
c. Hemp is an unbelievable source of biomass
d. It needs to be legalized for industrial production

Premise 38: One person’s refuse is another’s treasure
a. there is so much waste in the world, especially America
b. there is enough food and energy in the world to feed 50 billion humans
c. the current economic system benefits a select few countries, entities
d. countries and entities are real only on paper, ideas, monuments
e. all there is = individuals interacting

Premise 39: People die to get thin in America, but starve to death in Africa.

Premise 40: Earth contains innumerable organisms.
a. it also contains almost 7 billion humans
b. these people comprise 7 billion different realities, experiencing themselves in the ultimate
c. one’s mind truly is one’s universe- this is why mental illness is so hard to crack- if you cannot conceive of another reality in your universe, you cannot escape psychosis, we are all insane when we are born, our culture forces an image of order on our social selves, but the focus on doing/going/having in adulthood transforms our natural beautiful psychosis

Premise 41: Drugs are composed of chemicals
a. so are humans, and rocks, and dogs, and trees
b. that’s why drugs affect humans, because they are made of the same medium of humans, drugs are chemical entities affecting our physical biochemical body with
c. in a sense, we are made of drugs
d. chemicals naturally in our brain are closely related to drug molecules
e. humans should be free to use any drug they choose- self-medication is a fundamental right
f. broadly, drugs may be defined as food (protein/carbs/sugars), amino acids, nutrients, neurotransmitters, minerals, vitamins, and then regular drugs like ethyl alcohol and nicotine

Premise 42: Metaphor is a powerful idea
a. you can mirror one thing in another
b. functional representation is often hallucination
c. numbers are metaphors for divided reality
d. one must be experienced as two and two must be experienced as one- dialectical materialism
e. qualified mental monism- something must be perceived in order to exist, because exist only has meaning in the context of perception
f. the tree falls and nobody is there to hear it and makes a sound wave, but it is uncertain whether or not it exists- saying the sound still exists requires a priori knowledge of a tree falling- a memory which is based in subjective experience
Premise 43: Everyone is ignorant in some areas
a. no one is so ignorant they cannot be learned from

Premise 44: If god was a person, he’d be locked up or killed.
a. exhibiting multiple personality
b. allowing murder and suffering
Premise 45: Experiencing is key to consciousness
a. pain is real to humans
b. love is real to humans
c. mind is physical and mental simultaneously
d. because we have advanced neurally to where we can reflect symbolically, we carry the burden of meaning and purpose and responsibility and ethics
e. enlightenment is a central focus of much meaning- shedding light in the dark, lighting a candle instead of cursing
f. we are above animals cognitively, but we don’t use our kingship to its full potential
g. animals don’t worry about paying bills
h. killing the king- regicide

Premise 46: If we could live forever, we would have time for everyone
a. we are mortal- care for who you can when you can, brighten the world, provide constant therapeutic comfort for your counterparts on the journey to enlightenment

Premise 47: Beliefs are a most powerful force.

Premise 48: War is a racket
a. built on deception
b. and clashing SES classes

Premise 49: Many people believe in paranormal science
a. NDE OBE aliens crop circles illuminati annuki heaven hell religion soul remote viewing precognitive ability scalar electrogravitation reincarnation God ghosts spirits
b. Occam’s razor is especially applicable, skepticism is warranted
c. But be careful of overskepticism- for you might miss out on something “impossible”

Premise 50: The purpose of life is to do whatever you want to do as best as you can.
a. meditate
b. draw
c. play
d. sleep
e. dream
f. the only caveat is you should not want to hurt anyone else

Premise 51: Our current culture is suicidal, mentally ill, and promotes wants and desires over needs.
a. the power of organized people shall transform our society into a sustainable one which shall provide our grandchildren with even more opportunities than we have
b. money is the driving force behind society, oil is money is energy- thus you can see the importance of energy

Premise 52: Time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one
a. caused by movement and our ticking chemical brains
b. collapsing of the non-local wave function into a collapsed reality
c. takes chaos and uncertainty, filters it into categories, ideas, mind-states
d. the natural state of world is chaos
e. many times order is mistaken for chaos
f. and vice versa

This is a work in progress- an artful tapestry of worded truth.


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