Monday, September 26, 2005


Sobjectivism and Prologue

Sobjectivism is Spoism’s philosophy of knowledge. Sobjectivism recognizes the subjective nature of all human experience, while advancing the pursuit of objective truths, of which we continually refine our conceptions. The term “sobjectivism” therefore interweaves the pursuit of objective truth with the subjective perception of all living beings, including humans. In past philosophical dogma, subjectivity and objectivity are diametrically opposed. Subjectivism holds a tree must be perceived to exist; objectivity asserts that objects and events are independent of one’s perceptions. The thesis of subjective experience (being) and the antithesis of objective abstract (nothing) truth spawns the sobjectivism (becoming) the synthesis. Sobjectivism harvests the paradoxes of language, logic, and experience to synthesize real becoming.
Pure objective truths do not exist except as abstract ideas shared among humans. Although it is impossible to reach pure objectivity, sobjectivism employs individual experience to continually approach objectivity- for objective logic and reasoned ethics are the basis of philosophy, law, and science. Thus it seems subjectivity is inherent to the individual, while society pursues objectivity- the sharing of confirmed knowledge.
Similar to the Socratic method, Sobjectivism asserts wisdom comes through acknowledgement of one’s ignorance. Sobjectivism is focused on questioning and deconstructing reality, while Spoism constructs a positive reality. Sobjective analysis’ advantage is its broad flexibility of meaning- in this way sobjectivism springs from post-structuralism’s fluidity- reflecting relativity in language and meaning. Sobjective analysis therefore encompasses all disciplines- integrating innumerable philosophies, ideas, experiences, memes, and beliefs. Picture a rich tapestry containing all human knowledge. The Sobjective method questions false ideas; Spoism constructs a novel physical paradigm; Metology zooms out and integrates the entire tapestry, synthesizing everything through the flow of light loving information.

One can never reach absolute truth in literature, because language is merely a communication tool- relative meaningful signs shared to provoke a response in one’s audience. Mathematics is the discipline closest to absolute truth, but it is too abstract to resonate with most people. Language is at the core of human truth and knowledge. Therefore, I chose symbolic written language to convey the At heart, sobjectivism asserts any educated person could learn its method, just by reading and reflecting. You don’t need calculus or problems; only the desire to ponder concepts of experience.
Spoism attempts to create truth throughout infinite dimensions of reality- from the smallest subatomic particle to the entire universe. The scientific circle of knowledge is thus: experience, language, philosophy, logic, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology, ecology, astronomy, astrobiology, spirituality. Each of these disciplines shall be considered in our pursuit of truth.

We all make a difference to the world- just by existing. You are making history by thinking. The moment you read my words I am stealing your time in which you could be skydiving, eating, sleeping, studying, or sexing. Pray my theft of your time will not anger you. Promise your time will be spent. Guarantee you will exit this book a different person with an altered point of view. Scared? You have nothing to fear!
Any idiot can make this fascinating world more complex than it is. Spoism represents an assembly of ideas directed towards one simple truth: increasing the beneficial flow of information- increasing health/happiness and decreasing suffering/death.
My role is to guide your focus as you experience just one tapestry of human existence, out of over 6 billion. Beware, I intend to infect your mind with positive memes- shared ideas and behaviors. With the advent of The Information Age, ideas and behaviors spread across the globe almost instantly. The exponential technological advancement will continue to revolutionize each corner of our lives, as we reach new levels of creativity- witnessing the universe enfolding anew each second.

On a most general level, metapanphilia is beyond love of all information, defined as perceiving energetic change- the only universal constant. I shall often interchange the terms information and energy/mass, with one distinction. Energy exists without life, unlike information. Energy and mass (which are two forms of the same stuff) comprise all of physical existence. Energy fuels the replication of information. Meaning and purpose arise through agents; distinct entities of living metasystems defined by humans as organisms. Life utilizes information patterns by processing, storing, and transmitting data through the energy field. When you think of information, you might imagine words, thoughts, school, computers, etc. What we perceive as a chair is merely sensory information of the chair in our bodies. Thus, I conclude our experience equals information. All that exists is the eternal present state of information. A wise tactic for controlling information quality is focusing on amplifying the good and ignoring the chains of negativity.

I assert energy and information define two complementary aspects of the same reality- like quantity and quality; explicate and implicate orders. From a human perspective, energy and information cannot exist without the other. But objectively energy must exist without information. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, we shall assume the sound wave energy exists, but information about the sound wave does not exist, because there is no observing consciousness. Consciousness is therefore defined as quantified processing energy creating quality meaningful information. Consciousness is essentially breaking the causal bonds of inanimate matter to produce active information- moving forth from causal laws to control one’s destiny. My definitions of consciousness, energy, and information are necessarily abstract, as the universal driving forces of my ideal philosophy, but I hope my words resonate with your intuitive experience.

All life forms inhabit a multi-dimensional continuum of consciousness, ranging from simple to complex; tiny to large; primitive to advanced. A blurry membrane exists between plain energetic matter and informed conscious life. Let’s imagine the most primitive organisms- mammals, insects, bacteria, archaea, and stop at viruses. They are on the fence in terms of consciousness. Yes, they do replicate information, but they are dependent upon other entities for replication. They create little information, if any. They are examples of parasitic information complexes, like evil, fear, hate, and war. They represent the border between dead matter and lively light information. On a completely scientific consciousness scale of 0-100, with 80 being a fully conscious human- a virus would be about 0.0001; bacteria around 0.1.

A fundamental ability of consciousness is to create change; manipulating one’s reality; constructing reality through a coupling to the environment. Most people wouldn’t consider bacteria conscious, and one bacterium doesn’t seem so to the untrained eye. Yet do not overlook these seemingly insignificant creatures, as they truly reign over this planet. One bacterium is next to nothing, but ubiquitous trillions upon trillions socially exchanging unlimited genes present a powerful force. Indeed, bacteria aid human digestive and immune systems. They possess other advantages over a human- they know no worry or fear or pain, and they have unmatched simplicity. Microorganisms store information concerning ancient ancestors of all life. Many humans fear the tiny organisms sharing our genetic code and space/time. Picture for a second all the skin mites chomping on the dead skin of your arm. They don’t realize it, but they are breaking causality in some form by manipulating matter; chemically electing to feast on your dead proteins.

What is the physical mediator of consciousness? Neural tissue- cells working in concert to send biochemical/electrical impulses- information-processing agents. The extent of structural complexity in neural organization governs an organism’s consciousness potential. In terms of neurophysiology, humans are distinct from primates and mammals in our enormous associative neocortex and frontal lobe areas, but we share ancient reptilian and mammalian brains. This neural similarity employs justifies forces of scientific materialism in pharmaceutical research on animals (better hurt 100 rats than one human).

Evolution builds on past success. Therefore, humankind’s advanced neural status is owed to a complex genetic/cultural renovation of primitive neural regions. We share 98.5% of our genes with chimpanzees, but our cultural species monopolizes the cars, spaceships, computers, farms, and all the hot chicks. We owe our current civilization to an impressive associative memory, symbolic language, and technology- all creative means of storing, processing, and transmitting data patterns across generations.

At heart, existence is evolving information towards creative intelligence. The first period of evolution was physical, until life appeared 3.7 billion years ago. An important event in physical evolution was the formation of our solar system. The second period was primarily biological, until stable culture appeared 12,000 years ago. Biological evolution is basically natural selection- the strongest and most fit should spread more genes. The third period of evolution is primarily cultural/technological/lingual until the gorganism creates itself into being. The fourth period of evolution is spiritual. We are living in the transition between cultural and spiritual evolution. Eventually spiritual evolution shall transcend contemporary cultural patterns. Recall that evolution builds on previous success. Evolution did not stop being physical, biological, cultural/technological in succeeding ages. Each period did not eliminate the previous form of evolution- it merely intertwined with the previous driving forces to produce another dimension, another level of direction and spirit. One can visualize the physical, biological, cultural/technological, and spiritual levels of human life. Emphasizing spirit as consciousness creating novel information. Taken to its logical end, Spiritual evolution entails transcending biological causality towards immanent divinity and immortality. Empirically, spiritual evolution is bringing new realities into existence- like the global Internet, for example. As spiritual beings in the year 2005, we experience the dream of reality parallel to 7 billion other humans across the globe. We are inevitably advancing evolution with every new thought and action. As the spirit of the global organism- gorganism- begins to form itself from isolated skull cages electronically networked over the Internet. Humans are more than cells. Societies are m ore than people. A brain is more than neurons. A computer is more than transistors. Humans, societies, computers, and brains- all of these abstract universal entities also exist in reality to human perception. However, they only exist in the subjective abstract as a thing in itself. The closest thing to objectiveness is shared experience- empiricism- testable claims. The scientific method is a main objective thread of Western thought.

Information springs forth from the guidelines of nature, constantly refining itself in replication. The story of life is the story of evolving information. The story of the universe, or any thing for that matter, is contained on numerous planes/levels/layers/dimensions of information: sensory/physical/abstract/spiritual/social/emotional/cultural/temporal/spatial. Asymmetric information plays decisive roles in all conflicts, especially the most destructive: war. Currently, information wars are proceeding all around you every day; viral marketers striving for product share; educators cramming endless knowledge into students; employers prodding one to work harder for profit; media reminding you to strive for the rich/beautiful/attractive/athletic ideal. How many of your beliefs come from actual self-reflection and analysis? How many beliefs do you hold merely because you have been told to believe? Are beliefs more than a state of mind like drunkenness or fear?

Through thinking and imagining we construct an internal reality map. Creation is the essence of my philosophy- cultivating mindfulness and hope through imagination. Quantum energy supports subjective informative experience. We humans can only experience through our subjective minds. It is currently impossible to think outside of your brain- in other words, each of us is stuck in a skull cage. We can only know of what we each experience. Therefore, truth is dependent on subjectivity. Our subjective perceptions are real to each one of us. We can think logically, but our logic is achieved through our subjective apparati. Given truth is subjective and often relative, a philosophy based only on logic is cold, heartless, and inhuman. I believe truth is best achieved in a dynamic compromise between constructions of loving subjective information and energetic deconstructive analysis. Life is an ongoing self-catalyzing process of loving and thriving on information. Death destroys information and ends consciousness. Our social codes define causing death as evil. Therefore by extension are the powers of death and destruction evil?

I do not own the ideas expressed in this work, though I control their flow. I am an agent whom these idea entities use for their replication. They exist on a computer screen and/or piece of paper as linguistically expressed entities. I receive, process, and transmit them, but I didn’t create the English language or most of the ideas contained here. My role is the connector- to paint broadly across every discipline toward a beneficial philosophy. Our inherent property is our body, but temporarily, as death inevitably steals it back. Ideas are not my own, but I assert the secret to creativity lies in revealing your sources, not concealing them.

Metology represents poetic attempts at immortalizing my love for existence and being. I will not waste much time criticizing the existing reality, playing Chicken Little’s role; getting bogged down in value judgments. I intend instead to bring to life an optimistic informative work of art; opening doorways of thought; facilitating the mastering of your life. The ultimate purpose behind this book’s creation is change for the better. Once one grips the reality of paradoxes and double-edged swords. The world seems completely good unless corrupted by humans- the only creators of evil are humans. Humans corrupt even inherent goods like sexual love and information, using them for assault in rape and nuclear bombing. Guns, cars, and cigarettes are inherently dangerous, but sexual love and information are only dangerous through the agent creating evil. Therefore consciousness is at the root of all goodness and evil. An agent must consciously create and believe in evil in order for badness to exist. A good metaphor for the beginning of evil is the Garden of Eden story, in which our naked pure selves discovered knowledge of good and evil, and felt ashamed of our natural nakedness. Historical shadows of evil- guilt, shame, and violence- restrict the present from fulfilling the future.

I realize I can’t wake a man pretending to be sleep. Make no mistake- I aim to change your reality. But when you remember the only constant IS change, you might start to enjoy the ride. If you can imagine my writing as a machine, it shall suck you up and spit you out with a different perspective. No longer will you be blinded by appearances and fake morality, you will search deeply for truth, move for positive change, and fulfill your purpose you participate in creating.

Let’s review the past mess of an introduction: All is ONE; the only constant is change; all experience is information; conscious beings perceive energy as moving information; consciousness creates all meaning- good and evil; some beings are more conscious than others; life and death are in conflict as good and evil; life is fighting death and uniformity with diverse self-organized information; essential to ensuring healthy and happy life for everyone through reason; logic leads to universal ethics; life is paradoxical and enigmatic and uncertain; a constructive paradigm is needed for a efficiently healthy and happily prosperous global society; focus/awarness/choice/free will/concentration/attention on the eternal present; creating meaning from moving energy is a core motivator of life; there are many different routes to truth;


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