Friday, March 23, 2007
The Solution to our Solitude
The Solution to our Solitude By David Spoey 2/3/07
When I was young, Sol captured my soul.
A star almost obsolete, around the appearance of our Solians,
Isolated In interconnected solitude,
Walking on water along the Milky Way arm
An Absolutely Insolent fiery ball
It consolidated its power
With indomitable resolve,
Sparking and sustaining
Every level of our desolation.
Then I toggled the resolution.
I wanted to watch the solar soldiers
Salute holy sun of sky god
Isolating Interconnected solitudes
sHe walks on shimmering blue water
Soliciting the ocean’s Solvent.
Before the old seahorse dissolves,
He resolves to peak at the surface
Final solace for his tragicomic soul
Watching the soldiers’ planes
Munching on solid solutes
Natural Fuels of Insolation
Courtesy of SolaPlanta
Earth’s Oily Coal-Gas
Perpetually running into obsolescence
Solely Solving problems.
Do you know the Solar Solution?
I am no solicitor…even for Cirque de Soliel.
Solomon awaits your curves.
When I was young, Sol captured my soul.
A star almost obsolete, around the appearance of our Solians,
Isolated In interconnected solitude,
Walking on water along the Milky Way arm
An Absolutely Insolent fiery ball
It consolidated its power
With indomitable resolve,
Sparking and sustaining
Every level of our desolation.
Then I toggled the resolution.
I wanted to watch the solar soldiers
Salute holy sun of sky god
Isolating Interconnected solitudes
sHe walks on shimmering blue water
Soliciting the ocean’s Solvent.
Before the old seahorse dissolves,
He resolves to peak at the surface
Final solace for his tragicomic soul
Watching the soldiers’ planes
Munching on solid solutes
Natural Fuels of Insolation
Courtesy of SolaPlanta
Earth’s Oily Coal-Gas
Perpetually running into obsolescence
Solely Solving problems.
Do you know the Solar Solution?
I am no solicitor…even for Cirque de Soliel.
Solomon awaits your curves.