Saturday, April 28, 2007


Saint Lucifer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Lucifer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lucifer or Lucifer Calaritanus (d. 370 or 371) was a bishop of Cagliari in Sardinia and Christian saint known for his passionate opposition to Arianism.

His feast day in the Catholic Church is May 20. His name demonstrates that "Lucifer" (meaning "light-bringer") was not yet merely a synonym of "Satan" in the 4th century. However, hasty references by enthusiastic 19th century biblical scholars assumed from the name that the Luciferians were Satanists. Therefore, although his cultus has not been suppressed nor his canonization reevaluated, he is not often celebrated or spoken of in the calendar.


Purify Our Mind

Purify Our Mind: "
THE Good and The Bad all are from our MIND. We are the masters of the mind and also are the watershed of The Good and The Bad. "
Someone in history said once that one who can govern a battalion of a million soldiers is not a hero: the real hero is that person who can govern his mind.

We are flowing through the Omni-Warren.

Someone in history said once that one who can govern a battalion of a million soldiers is not a hero: the real hero is that person who can govern his mind.

Magic in the Malazan series is accomplished by opening a warren. Typical effects involve large-scale energy blasts, and ethereal travel 'through' the warren. Ordinary humans cannot access warrens, but mages have access to one or two (in most cases) or more than seven (in extremes). In addition, certain elder races have access to racial warrens, that seem to be significantly more powerful.

(2000) ‘Epicurean Immortality’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XVIII: 231–62. (Good recent survey of views.)

Friday, April 27, 2007


New nanocomposites may mean more durable tooth fillings

New nanocomposites may mean more durable tooth fillings

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Day of the Week you were Born

Day of the Week you were Born

Ever wonder what day you were born on? Well, you can find out with this neat little script. Simply type your date of birth in the box below, and it will tell ya'...honest!

Zeller's Algorithm can be used to determine the day of the week for any date in the past, present or future, for any dates between 1582 and 4902.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


omnisemite - Google Search

omnisemite - Google Search
As of 12:40 PM on Tuesday
google didn't know omnisemite.

Now Google knows.
I, an Omnymous OmniCapitalist...
I am Omni-All
I am Sem-Meaning
I am the Third OmniSemite.
I cannot tell you who the other two are.

I am the everything and more
that creates you anew each moment.
The universe doesn't move by itself.
I am the universe. I move the universe.
Figure out my patterns, fall into love with me and you will find great glory. Find the space known as the zone, in which you move in communion with my patterns, and you cannot go wrong. find the dynamic unity which your entire human civilization reflects in fear of eternal life. The Living are dead to God, they are separate and arrogant. Soon they will merge back into the logical coherence of abiotic material. God will take back our chaotic freedom of will. Our self-organizational patterns are just renting these material meat-metals.

In meaning everything, I mean also No thing.

Monday, April 16, 2007


On the perfections attributed to God

On the perfections attributed to God

Omnilihism antism anotism nism

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Department of Energy - New World Record Achieved in Solar Cell Technology

Department of Energy - New World Record Achieved in Solar Cell Technology
New Solar Cell Breaks the “40 Percent Efficient” Sunlight-to-Electricity Barrier

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alexander Karsner today announced that with DOE funding, a concentrator solar cell produced by Boeing-Spectrolab has recently achieved a world-record conversion efficiency of 40.7 percent, establishing a new milestone in sunlight-to-electricity performance.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The Eightfold Year and the Stages of Life

The Eightfold Year and the Stages of Life
I am now in neanis.


Joules of the Universe

Joules of the Universe: "The earth’s daily receipt of energy from the sun is about ten times greater than all of the electricity generated since Tesla invented three-phase alternating current "

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


In God they trust :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Religion

In God they trust : Physicians believe God can help patients get healthy


Assistive robot adapts to people, new places

In the futuristic cartoon series "The Jetsons," a robotic maid named Rosie whizzed around the Jetsons' home doing household chores--cleaning, cooking dinner and washing dishes.

Assistive robot adapts to people, new places

"I don't think there's going to be one Rosie the robot doing everything in the home," said Brooks. "It's more likely to be a team of robots doing different things."


Urban Legends Reference Pages: Apple Seeds and Cyanide

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Apple Seeds and Cyanide


Pearls Before Breakfast -

Pearls Before Breakfast -
This article is amazing.
THE HEALING Power of the SUN
and the UNKNOWN


ABC News: Silicon Valley Betting on Solar Power

ABC News: Silicon Valley Betting on Solar Power - Worst Judge Follow-Up - Bill O’Reilly | The O’Reilly Factor - Worst Judge Follow-Up - Bill O’Reilly | The O’Reilly Factor

How I miss you, Ashley Hach!
I will always remember your.
You are an inspiration to my life!


Ecopsychology with Pearls Before Breakfast - Gold & Silver Forum

Ecopsychology with Pearls Before Breakfast - Gold & Silver Forum: "The violin is an instrument that is said to be much like the human voice, and in this musician's masterly hands, it sobbed and laughed and sang -- ecstatic, sorrowful, importuning, adoring, flirtatious, castigating, playful, romancing, merry, triumphal, sumptuous."

Join the Omnivolution!!

Monday, April 09, 2007


Blogthings - What's Your Personality Type?

Blogthings - What's Your Personality Type?

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.

You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.

Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.

You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

What's Your Personality Type?

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Spanish Language Label Me! Printouts -

Spanish Language Label Me! Printouts -


Plasma Science and Technology - Applications - Alternate Concepts for Fusion

Plasma Science and Technology - Applications - Alternate Concepts for Fusion


Quake lifts Solomons island out of the sea - Yahoo! News

Quake lifts Solomons island out of the sea - Yahoo! News


Solution to our Solitude

When I was young, Sol captured my soul.
A star almost obsolete, around the appearance of our Solians,
Isolated In interconnected solitude,
Walking on water along the Milky Way arm
An Absolutely Insolent fiery ball
It consolidated its power
With indomitable resolve,
Sparking and sustaining
Every level of our desolation.
Then I toggled the resolution.
I wanted to watch the solar soldiers
Salute holy sun of sky god
Isolating Interconnected solitudes
sHe walks on shimmering blue water
Soliciting the ocean’s Solvent.
Before the old seahorse dissolves,
He resolves to peak at the surface
Final solace for his tragicomic soul
Watching the soldiers’ planes
Munching on solid solutes
Natural Fuels of Insolation
Courtesy of SolaPlanta
Earth’s Oily Coal-Gas
Perpetually running into obsolescence
Solely Solving problems.
Do you know the Solar Solution?
I am no solicitor…
even for Cirque de Soliel
Solomon awaits your curves
Playing Solitaire
on Sol-om-on's Island.

Copyright 2007 David Spoey


Resource Investor - Blog - Friday Funny: Now that's a lot of snow angels...

Resource Investor - Blog - Friday Funny: Now that's a lot of snow angels...


Personality Tests and Tools

Personality Tests and Tools


Political Compass

Political Compass


Hybrid Technologies L1X-75: Zero-60 in 3.1 Seconds, Batteries Included - Popular Mechanics

Hybrid Technologies L1X-75: Zero-60 in 3.1 Seconds, Batteries Included - Popular Mechanics


The Truth Laid Bear

The Truth Laid Bear
Interesting ranking.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


The secret history of Big Pharma's role in creating and marketing heroin, LSD, meth, Ecstasy and speed

The secret history of Big Pharma's role in creating and marketing heroin, LSD, meth, Ecstasy and speed

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Self-regulation abilities, beyond intelligence, play major role in early achievement

Self-regulation abilities, beyond intelligence, play major role in early achievement Self-Control is more important than smarts.
The researchers found that all aspects of children's self-regulation are uniquely related to their academic abilities, over and above their intelligence. They also found that one particular aspect of self-regulation-termed the inhibitory control aspect of brain function used in planning, problem solving, and goal-directed activity-is predictive of all academic outcomes but was particularly associated with early ability in math.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Powercast's technology cuts the electric cord - April 1, 2007

Powercast's technology cuts the electric cord - April 1, 2007


neomnid - Google Search

neomnid - Google Search

The Neomnid is Always new


WhatsOnMyBookshelf? Beta

WhatsOnMyBookshelf? Beta


omnitegration - Google Search

omnitegration - Google Search

In 2080 AD, 73 years from now
The World of OmniCapitalism


Light Therapy Spares the Scalpel and the Chemo -

Light Therapy Spares the Scalpel and the Chemo -

Imagine you could treat cancer by taking a pill, then directing a laser light toward the location of the tumor. The growth would dissolve with no chemotherapy, and no harm to healthy tissue.

It might sound futuristic, but a select number of cancer patients already benefit from the method, called photodynamic therapy. An upgrade for the procedure could save thousands more cancer patients from the horrors of chemotherapy.

The technique starts with a compound called a photosensitizer, a type of molecule that latches itself onto a tumor and when exposed to focused light excites oxygen, destroying the tumor cells. The treatment's reliance on oxygen, however, has been a limitation because smaller, newer tumors don't contain any.

The new technology gets around the problem by killing the tumor with "supramolecules" -- large molecular assemblies that act as anti-cancer fighting forces. The supramolecules deliver the drug directly to the tumor's DNA -- a process known as DNA cleavage.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Mountain Bike in Åre Sweden - Hummeln Åre - photo, panoramafoto Sverige

Mountain Bike in Åre Sweden - Hummeln Åre - photo, panoramafoto Sverige
Amazing Panorama of Sweden

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