Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Egyptians, not Greeks were true fathers of medicine

Egyptians, not Greeks were true fathers of medicine

Feeling Electric today... See if you can
Guess who said these random quotes...

You can't create energy, you can only move it.
You create information and you can move it.

Queen in Through The Looking Glass was right: 'It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.'all ideas of creation outgrow the original spark.

The primary aim of modern warfare (in accordance with the principle of doublethink, the aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the Party) is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living .... the essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor.

Prince Sviatoslav was famous for his practice of warning the enemies he was about to attack, with the message ‘Idu na vas’ (I am coming at you).

~By their works ye shall know them. Those poor saps.

The Pope himself promoted a cocaine infused wine only 100 years ago. Have they decided it has become a sin since?

That is, they were worshipers of Isis, goddess of life and fecundity, co-deity with the Sun. The word Israel should be broken down into three syllables: Is-Ra-El. "Is" stands for Isis; "Ra" means the name of the god of the sun, represented like Horus -- with the head of a hawk and bearing the disk of the sun atop it. "El" means "high Lord" Omnisrael, omnisreal, omni-is-real

babies starving to death while others eat desserts sprinkled with gold leaf


Without AMBITION one starts nothing. Without WORK one finishes nothing. The prize will NOT be sent to you. You have to WIN it. The man who knows HOW will always have a job. The man who also knows WHY will always be his boss. As to methods there may be a million and then some, but PRINCIPLES are few. The man who grasps PRINCIPLES can successfully select his own METHODS. The man who tries METHODS, ignoring PRINCIPLES, is sure to have trouble."

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we make the world.

Ashim Ishim sometimes translated as the "souls of flame

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Do you know that the average woman in America is 5' 4", weighs 150 pounds, and wears a size 14?

in Malkuth and his head in Kether omnitron
The word lycanthropy is often used generically for any transformation of a human into animal form, though the precise term for that is technically therianthropy.

A smart guy's STRENGTH is his MIND.
His WEAKNESS is often his EMOTIONS.

I looked at a woman's forehead,
I visualized this big crimson spiral.
When a man hears language, only the brain hemisphere associated with logical, linear thinking tends to activate. A woman, hearing the same language, will activate both the logical and emotional hemispheres. The female brain has a wider pipeline between brain hemispheres-- a bigger corpus callosum-- than the male brain. It readily combines signals from the left (logical, language-oriented) and right (associative, emotional) hemispheres. Words easily touch off emotions.

I cannot possibly create *accurate*, internal representations of the world, and one
of the meanings of the verb "to abstract" is "to remove quietly". This is what the nervous system does: it quietly removes most of what is going on in the world in order to create an abridged representation of reality with all the important (important to me) bits underlined in highlighter pen. This is the world "I"
live in: not in the "real" world, but an internal reality synthesized by my nervous system.

A metafeeling is a feeling about a feeling, while philosophy is thinking about thinking.
Ethics, Logics, Metaphysics (ontology) Epistemology

God said let their be light, but in that case, sound came first

Most people have far more wants than
there are hours in the day to achieve them, and those which are actually satisfied on a given day is more a function of accident
than design.
Like the old cliche: It's not what you say but how you say it.

gravitational dynamics in three dimensions is geometry in four dimensions, that plants are living fractals, that primes are the seeds of all other number omniturnal omnocturnal omniternalOmnitropy syntropy negentropy extropy prana chi orgone
Omniki omnikey omnipy kinmo
Omniconsciousness omniconscience
Lucky louie, subtle communication, implicit vs explicit

Studies of male conversation find it to be public…domineering, competitive, status-obsessed, attention-seeking, factual, and designed to reveal knowledge and skill…Female conversation tends to be private, cooperative, rapport-establishing, reassuring, sympathetic, egalitarian, and meandering

climbing the omniladder omnivestment omnisensor alumni alomni PHILLOW Bar You need to take both responsibility AND control of your actions. How you feel and react is 100% under your control. It's whether you CHOOSE to or not. How you react is ALWAYS under your power.

Napoleon Hill says about how when you choose a definite major purpose in life, ways and means of attaining that purpose seem to magically appear to you

let the gas go the whole night, things spill!, driving while blowing dust out of my keyboard, a few gnats flew out, verdel sleeping near the roof shadow was captured by the sun’s gaze and his brown fur isn’t suited to worship the sun in long stretches, as our fuzzy skin, texting on Indianola omniprecation omnidependence
There is no scarcity except for time
Just make sure you always keep it classy.

My best moments are in unshakeable confidence. I will do everything I promised myself I would do. I will make the omnitect. I will make the omnicar. I will make solar philm to cover the Mojave desert. I will make the omniversity. I will make the omnifarm. I will make the omniwater. I will make the spodarts. I will make the solar wind domes. I will make the omnitype. I will make the OmniGrid. I will make the omnibot. I will make the spiramid for men and women. I will make owning tropical islands. I will make the omniplane. OmniRandom

God said let their be light, but in that case, sound came first.


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