Monday, August 26, 2019


The New Green Deal

Dear World (Please Share/Forward) @omnispo

Eureka! We write to you as Millennials, the generation who grew up with the Internet and dominate social media. Millennials care about the global ecology more than previous generations, because we will be raising children and grandchildren in whatever planetary environment that we manifest. We believe that Beautiful Business will save the World, as we adventure into the global era of communal capitalism.

How do we collectively address (and eventually solve) these global Problems? 
energy scarcity, lack of clean water, hunger, environmental degradation, poverty, terrorism and war, disease, education, democracy, overpopulation, lack of imagination, extinction of animal and plant species, lack of connectivity

A huge movement towards holistic global health is needed, one that will balance the worries about these problems, corruption, debt, partisanship and other issues. Democrats are talking about the New Green Deal. Don't get left behind, Republicans!

The Green New Deal is what some are calling it, where we work to co-create a future reality of self-sustaining systems of abundance, in total wellness and holistic / integral health. We believe the Green New Deal Should be Political Priority #1. The biggest companies and most powerful corporate directorates and consortia will benefit from taking heed of these projects, which are destined to manifest, as Gaia/Earth demands we optimize our use of Her resources.

Over the last two decades, we have been developing concepts of novel projects that could provide the core of an Ecological Revolution. On the highest level of eco-philosophy, these projects will advance the coherent integration between Technology and Nature, with a simple core philosophy of solar sustainability.

Here are thirteen proposed projects as part of the Green New Deal. It would behoove you to fund them as integral parts of your political campaign, to gain Millennial support.

So Let’s Save the world through these (and others) novel projects:
Eco-Domes, Permaculture Parks, Food Forests, Eco-Walls AND Eco-Bridges (call them Wall-Bridges), Themples/Themparks, 

Mega-Infrastructure Projects of the Green New Deal

1. Permaculture Parks in BLM land, National Parks and in under-used properties

2. Food Forests with 8 layers - creating the Queen’s Network of Forests
    -leaves are solar power systems (let's blanket the Earth with green)

3. Reducing pollution: Giant filters to remove pollution from the air, water, soil and space.

4. Social Security Domes - elemental omnidome structures using solar energy, windergy, water power, bioenergy, humergy (human energy) to produce healing fluids, fuel, food, fibers and fun.

5. Wall-Bridges / Eco Walls - self-sustaining Wall-Bridges with aquaponics

6. Hydro-Sol-Air-Sea-STEMS - obelisks using solar energy, windergy, water power, bioenergy, humergy (human energy) to produce energy, information, 

7. Reverence for the Global Ecosystem (Gorganism) in Themples

8. Solar Powered Operations  of OmniLove = SpoRemedy

9. Optimization of IT communication / BuckyWands - combination of non-profit natural ecosystems with capitalism

10. Green Highways - solar electric travelways

11. Reducing food waste

12. Upcycle Trash / Plasma Arc Depoolymerization turns Trash into Syn-gas and Stones

13. Holistic Healing Shelters

Benefits to Global Ecology and Economics:
Creates Jobs,
Leave a lasting legacy of health,  personal and societal
Detoxify the environment,
lands reclaimed,
restore ecosystems to health
Enhance opportunity zones, 
reduce homelessness,
Improve connectivity

We are raising money for sponsorship, as we continue spreading awareness of these potential mega-infrastructure projects (as well as small scale).

We are merely peasants with a Gigantic dream of a utopian future of ecological harmony. I am looking for Strategic Partners who believe in this future.

With Love and All Hope for the Future,



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